Thursday, 11 December 2008

santa dash

Last sunday we got up nice and early in freezing weather to take part in the Liverpool 5K santa dash, there were over 7,000 people all dressed as santa, running to raise money, 2 years ago the race got in the guiness book of records but they lost the title last year and we failed again this year so come and join in next year it was great fun and had a fabulous atmoshere.

Check out the website for more information


Nicci said...

I can't work out wether you are brave or a little of both i guess. Well done to you all

Nettie said...

fabulous photos Sue, well done!

Amanda said...

WOW Sue that looks like it was so much fun! Thanks for sharing the photos.

angelic annemarie said...

looks like you had fun - looks like hard work to me xx